Call For Presenters: 2024 Illinois Main Street State Conference
The annual Illinois Main Street State Conference is a two-day event celebrating historic Main Streets, downtown districts and neighborhood commercial areas essential to thriving communities. Powered by dedicated professionals, volunteers, and civic leaders, the conference aims to bring together leaders, advocates, and enthusiasts to learn from industry experts on how to grow and sustain downtown districts as hubs of economic and social opportunity.
The 2024 Illinois Main Street State Conference will be November 12-14 in Batavia and will include general sessions, concurrent breakout sessions, informational tours, networking opportunities, and an exhibit hall. The conference is brought to you by Illinois Main Street, in partnership with Illinois Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton, the Driehaus Foundation, and Batavia MainStreet.
If you have a high-quality presentation that would be appropriate for downtown/Main Street district economic development professionals and volunteers, we urge you to consider submitting a session proposal. We are seeking a balance of beginner, intermediate and advanced educational breakout sessions one-hour in length, including Q & A. For a list of session ideas, view the final page of this document.
June 19, 2024 - Proposal opportunity published online
July 31, 2024 - Proposals due by 5:00pm CST
August 9, 2024 - Notification of selection
November 1, 2024 - Presentation materials due
November 12-14, 2024 - Illinois Main Street State Conference in Batavia
Costs of preparation of the proposal are solely the responsibility of the applicant. The success of this conference is dependent on the expertise offered to attendees by volunteer presenters.
Each presenter will receive one complimentary conference registration and reimbursement for one night lodging at the conference hotel upon successful submission of the speaker reimbursement form.
Please use the online application form to submit a session proposal at
All questions on the online form must be completed.
You will be asked to include bios and photos for all presenters.
All submitted proposals may be treated as public record unless the applicant requests the information be treated as confidential in accordance with the public records laws of the State of Illinois at the time the proposal is submitted.
The applicant agrees:
Staff may copy the proposal for the purpose of facilitating the evaluation of the proposal or to respond to requests for public records and represents that such copying will not violate the rights of any third party.
It will not bring any claim or have any cause of action against the committee based on any misunderstanding concerning the information provided herein or concerning the failure, negligent or otherwise, to provide the applicant with pertinent information as intended by this “Call for Presenters.”
Please feel free to share this message if you've heard someone present at a conference or workshop that you feel would be a great addition to the Illinois Main Street State Conference schedule. For professional trainers and service providers, being selected as a workshop presenter should be considered an opportunity to connect with potential future clients.
Proposals will be reviewed by the Illinois Main Street State Conference Planning Committee, which will consider all information provided in the proposal when making selections and may consider relevant information from other sources.
Selections will be made using the following criteria (listed in no particular order):
Completeness of proposal submission
Relevancy of the presentation to the audience
The Illinois Main Street State Conference Planning Committee reserves the right to utilize program staff, committee members and other professional contacts as trainers/facilitators for any session planned for the conference, with or without submission of a proposal at any time.
Contact Erik Reader, Director of Illinois Main Street by email at
Activating vacant or underutilized spaces
Adaptive reuse
Affordable housing
Architecture & design
Board governance
Business attraction
Business development & support
Community events
Clean & safe programming
Cultural events & festivals
Design principles/process
Destination marketing
Economic development incentives
Entrepreneurship & startup business assistance
Farmers Markets
Financial management
Grant writing
Historic preservation
Human resources management
Inclusion & belonging
Infrastructure & public improvements
Implementation of ideas
Makers & manufacturing
Parking management strategy
Public art
Redevelopment projects & financing
Retail support
Social media & influencer marketing
Small scale incremental development
Sponsorship solicitation
Strategic planning
Storefront design
Volunteer development & engagement