Bolstering Local Efforts to Support Economic Development and Community Revitalization

Chicago, IL – Illinois Main Street (IMS) is proud to welcome five dynamic organizations to their network of programs dedicated to creating meaningful improvements to their communities. Aledo Main Street, the Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin, Paxton Main Street, and the Wood River Business Alliance join at the Affiliate level, while the Village of Matteson joins at the Aspiring level. The five communities unite with 18 sister organizations in the state and over 2,000 programs throughout the Main Street America networking leveraging the power of the Main Street Approach to facilitate preservation-based economic development and community revitalization.

"Main Street communities across Illinois provide goods, services, opportunities, and jobs that boost economic growth and tourism. I'm thrilled that the Aledo, Elgin, Matteson, Paxton, and Wood River communities are joining the Illinois Main Street program," said Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton. "We want every community to thrive, and we know uplifting the best of small towns and businesses is key."

Aledo Main Street (AMS) is a non-profit organization focused on fostering a center of activity in the community by enhancing downtown vibrancy, preserving historical charm and helping businesses thrive through partnerships and programming in Aledo, IL. AMS is excited to be welcomed back into the Illinois Main Street community and we are looking forward to gaining invaluable resources & connections throughout the State to aid in the forward progress happening in Historic Downtown Aledo.

Linsdey Dunn, Executive Director of AMS states, “To be a part of Illinois Main Street, allows Aledo Main Street to have a network of family and a framework to tailor our approach on making sure Downtown Aledo continues to be a thriving and relevant area for residents and visitors that come to experience all that Aledo has to offer!”

The Downtown Neighborhood Association of Elgin
is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization representing Downtown Elgin. Our mission is to revitalize, enhance and sustain Elgin’s historic city center. The DNA team works on behalf of every Downtown Elgin business owner, property owner, stakeholder and resident, in partnership with City leaders and community volunteers. DNA helps strengthen the economic vitality of the downtown by providing strategic business support services available to all downtown businesses and property owners, cultivating a network of entrepreneurs interested in considering a downtown location, and driving foot- traffic and visibility through positive community-building events such as the Elgin Farmers Market and seasonal promotional campaigns.

"Our organization is excited to be recognized by IL Mainstreet and rejoin the program,” noted DNA Executive Director Jennifer Fukala. “Last year we had an opportunity to work with the Main Street team on a new strategic plan. This year we look forward to working with Illinois Main Street to bring recommendations from that plan to fruition."

Historic Downtown Matteson has deep roots dating back to the 1830’s where rail transportation and commerce heavily influenced its growth and vitality. Today, the Village of Matteson, in partnership with Illinois Main Street, aim to reinvest, rejuvenate, and redevelop its Historic Downtown District while simultaneously safeguarding and preserving those historical roots and establishing new community links between its rich heritage and its present-day diverse cultures and economies.

According to Village of Matteson Marketing Specialist, Janette Ramos, “We are over the moon, excited to be part of the Illinois Main Street program, and we look forward to the robust and engaging working relationship as we drive towards establishing the foundational structure to energize and revitalize our historic downtown district into the future.”

Paxton Main Street became a 501c3 organization in January 2023. They were awarded a $30,000 T- Mobile Hometown Grant in June 2023 to install public wi-fi throughout their downtown district. Paxton Main Street works diligently to create a community connection between residents, businesses, visitors and the vibrant downtown district. They actively promote local businesses and organizations on social media and stays they also stay busy hosting existing events and creating new ones within their community.

"Paxton Main Street is honored and elated to become an Illinois Main Street community,” stated Donna McGuire Pepper, Executive Director. “The Main Street America network has proven to be an exceptional model for communities of all sizes and our organization is excited to learn more about developing tourism in Paxton, increasing our economic development and we hope to elevate the interest our community has in historic preservation.”

Wood River Business Alliance is a non-profit community organization engaging the community in continued renewal of our downtown business district; offering events, educational opportunities, funding options and a social platform catered to the growth and development of Wood River.

"We are excited and honored to be chosen as an Illinois Main Street accredited community. We look forward to growing our historic downtown Wood River district with the help of all the amazing resources Main Street provides,” Kristen Burns, Director, Wood River Business Alliance.



Illinois Main Street (IMS) works with communities across the state to foster local economic development and enhance overall quality of life. Since 1992, IMS programs have collectively secured nearly $1.2 billion in public and private reinvestment, added over 11,000 jobs, created over 2,300 new businesses, and rehabilitated 1100 buildings. IMS is part of Main Street America, a coast-to-coast network of organizations and individuals working to bring vitality and prosperity to downtowns across the country. For more information, visit


RFP: 2024 Illinois Main Street State Conference