Welcome to
Illinois Main Street
Get To Know Us
Illinois Main Street supports a network of communities across the state that are working to create vibrant and prosperous downtowns and commercial districts.
As a Main Street America State Coordinating Program, Illinois Main Street is part of a national movement of individuals and organizations with a shared commitment to increasing economic vitality in downtown, celebrating historic character, and bringing communities together.
The Approach
The Main Street Approach is a time-tested framework for community-driven, comprehensive revitalization.
Our Network
IMS is comprised of 21 Designated Member programs across the state committed to place-based economic development.
Training & Assistance
Participating IMS programs receive technical assistance, coaching, access to specialized resources, and much more!

Our Impact
Celebrating 30 Years of Place-Based Economic Development
$1.2 billion reinvested, 24,000 businesses started
11,000 jobs created, rehabilitated 1,220 buildings since 1992.